Browse Source

Restrict ident labels, fix negation bug

raffitz 3 years ago
Signed by: raffitz
GPG Key ID: BB3596BD0A31252D
  1. 9
  2. 6
  3. 10
  4. 2
  5. 8
  6. 371


@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
# Circle with radius s
define @-s 0 - s
@-s <= x <= s
@-s <= y <= s
@-s <= z <= s
r <= s


@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Sphere with radius s
-s <= x <= s
-s <= y <= s
-s <= z <= s
r <= s


@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ @@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
# Circle with radius s
# torus with radius s, inner radius 2s
define @-s 0 - s
5*@-s <= x <= 5*s
5*@-s <= y <= 5*s
@-s <= z <= s
-5*s <= x <= 5*s
-5*s <= y <= 5*s
-s <= z <= s
(ρ - 3*s)^2 + z^2 <= s^2


@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ pub enum FunctionType { @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ pub enum FunctionType {
@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ impl FunctionData { @@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ impl FunctionData {
FunctionType::Exp => Ok(value.exp()),
FunctionType::Ln => Ok(value.ln()),
FunctionType::Log => Ok(value.log10()),
FunctionType::Neg => Ok(-value),


@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
use lodepng::Error as LPNGError;
use std::io::Error as IOError;
pub enum Error {
@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ pub enum Error { @@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ pub enum Error {
impl From<()> for Error {
@ -27,3 +29,9 @@ impl From<LPNGError> for Error { @@ -27,3 +29,9 @@ impl From<LPNGError> for Error {
impl From<IOError> for Error {
fn from(io: IOError) -> Self {


@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ mod error; @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ mod error;
macro_rules! scale_message {
($n:ident) => {
Err(format!("<{}> is not a positive integer", $n))
Err(format!("<{}> is not a valid scale value", $n))
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ pomelo! { @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ pomelo! {
%type #[regex("s|x|y|z|r|ρ|θ|φ", read_var)] Var char;
%type #[regex(r"@[^@ \t\f\n]+", |lex| String::from(lex.slice()))] Ident String;
%type #[regex(r"@[\p{Letter}\p{Number}\p{Greek}]+", |lex| String::from(lex.slice()))] Ident String;
%type #[token("set")]
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ pomelo! { @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ pomelo! {
#[token("τ", |_| std::f64::consts::TAU)]
#[regex("√2\\s", |_| std::f64::consts::SQRT_2)]
#[regex("√(2)", |_| std::f64::consts::SQRT_2)]
#[regex(r"[+-]?(?:\d*\.)?\d+", |lex| lex.slice().parse())]
#[regex(r"(?:\d*\.)?\d+", |lex| lex.slice().parse())]
Float f64;
%type #[token("+")] Sum;
@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ pomelo! { @@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ pomelo! {
#[token("exp", |_| FunctionType::Exp)]
#[token("ln", |_| FunctionType::Ln)]
#[token("log", |_| FunctionType::Log)]
#[token("neg", |_| FunctionType::Neg)]
Function FunctionType;
%type #[token("(")] LParen;
@ -235,6 +236,7 @@ pomelo! { @@ -235,6 +236,7 @@ pomelo! {
expr ::= expr(L) Power expr(R) { Expression::operation('^',L,R) }
expr ::= Function(F) expr(A) { Expression::function(F,A) }
expr ::= LParen expr(E) RParen { E }
expr ::= Subtraction expr(E) { Expression::function(FunctionType::Neg,E) }
expr ::= Var(V) { Expression::var(V) }
expr ::= Float(F) { Expression::float(F) }
expr ::= Ident(S) { Expression::ident(S) }
@ -256,15 +258,10 @@ fn main() -> Result<(), error::Error> { @@ -256,15 +258,10 @@ fn main() -> Result<(), error::Error> {
.validator(|n: String| -> Result<(), String> {
match n.parse::<i32>() {
Ok(x) => {
if x > 0 {
} else {
Err(_) => scale_message!(n),
if n.parse::<f64>().is_err() {
} else {
@ -276,6 +273,22 @@ fn main() -> Result<(), error::Error> { @@ -276,6 +273,22 @@ fn main() -> Result<(), error::Error> {
.help("Show parsing steps")
.help("Parses the input file, does not output")
.help("The file describing the shape to map")
@ -298,184 +311,216 @@ fn main() -> Result<(), error::Error> { @@ -298,184 +311,216 @@ fn main() -> Result<(), error::Error> {
Ok(_) => Ok(()),
Err(error) => Err(io_error(error, &path)),
let scale = matches.value_of("scale").map(|s| s.parse::<i32>().unwrap());
let scale = matches.value_of("scale").map(|s| s.parse::<f64>().unwrap());
let mut object_description = fs::File::open(matches.value_of("FILE").unwrap()).unwrap();
let output_folder = matches.value_of("OUTPUT_DIR").unwrap();
let offset = matches.is_present("offset");
let debug = matches.is_present("debug");
let test = matches.is_present("test");
let output_folder = if test {
} else {
let mut data = String::new();
if object_description.read_to_string(&mut data).is_ok() {
let lex = parser::Token::lexer(&data);
let read_count = object_description.read_to_string(&mut data)?;
let mut p = parser::Parser::new();
if debug {
"\nRead {} bytes, scale is {}",
let mut line_ends = false;
let lex = parser::Token::lexer(&data);
for token in lex {
//println!("{:?}", token);
if token == parser::Token::LineEnd {
if line_ends {
} else {
line_ends = true;
let mut p = parser::Parser::new();
let mut line_ends = false;
for token in lex {
if debug {
println!("{:?}", token);
if token == parser::Token::LineEnd {
if line_ends {
} else {
line_ends = false;
line_ends = true;
} else {
line_ends = false;
let (assigns, limits, tree) = p.end_of_input()?;
let idents = assigns.unwrap_or_default();
let ident_arg = Some(&idents);
//println!("\n{:?}", tree);
//println!("\nRead {} bytes, scale is {}", size, scale.unwrap_or(1));
let mut min_x: Option<i64> = None;
let mut max_x: Option<i64> = None;
let mut min_y: Option<i64> = None;
let mut max_y: Option<i64> = None;
let mut min_z: Option<i64> = None;
let mut max_z: Option<i64> = None;
let mut vars = HashMap::new();
vars.insert('s', scale.unwrap_or(1) as f64);
for limit in &limits {
for dep in limit.min.var_dependencies(&ident_arg)? {
if dep != 's' {
eprintln!("Boundaries can only refer to s, not {}", dep);
return Err(Error::IllegalVarInBoundary);
let (assigns, limits, tree) = p.end_of_input()?;
let idents = assigns.unwrap_or_default();
let ident_arg = Some(&idents);
let mut min_x: Option<i64> = None;
let mut max_x: Option<i64> = None;
let mut min_y: Option<i64> = None;
let mut max_y: Option<i64> = None;
let mut min_z: Option<i64> = None;
let mut max_z: Option<i64> = None;
let mut vars = HashMap::new();
vars.insert('s', scale.unwrap_or(1_f64));
for limit in &limits {
for dep in limit.min.var_dependencies(&ident_arg)? {
if dep != 's' {
eprintln!("Boundaries can only refer to s, not {}", dep);
return Err(Error::IllegalVarInBoundary);
for dep in limit.max.var_dependencies(&ident_arg)? {
if dep != 's' {
eprintln!("Boundaries can only refer to s, not {}", dep);
return Err(Error::IllegalVarInBoundary);
for dep in limit.max.var_dependencies(&ident_arg)? {
if dep != 's' {
eprintln!("Boundaries can only refer to s, not {}", dep);
return Err(Error::IllegalVarInBoundary);
let var_arg = Some(&vars);
let min =
(limit.min.eval(&ident_arg, &var_arg)?.floor() as i64) - if offset { 1 } else { 0 };
let max = limit.max.eval(&ident_arg, &var_arg)?.ceil() as i64;
match limit.var {
'x' => {
min_x = Some(min);
max_x = Some(max);
'y' => {
min_y = Some(min);
max_y = Some(max);
'z' => {
min_z = Some(min);
max_z = Some(max);
c => {
eprintln!("Bounded variables are x,y,z only, not {}", c);
return Err(Error::IllegarBoundedVar);
let var_arg = Some(&vars);
let min =
(limit.min.eval(&ident_arg, &var_arg)?.floor() as i64) - if offset { 1 } else { 0 };
let max = limit.max.eval(&ident_arg, &var_arg)?.ceil() as i64;
match limit.var {
'x' => {
min_x = Some(min);
max_x = Some(max);
'y' => {
min_y = Some(min);
max_y = Some(max);
'z' => {
min_z = Some(min);
max_z = Some(max);
c => {
eprintln!("Bounded variables are x,y,z only, not {}", c);
return Err(Error::IllegarBoundedVar);
let mut unbounded = false;
if min_x.is_none() || max_x.is_none() {
unbounded = true;
eprintln!("x is unbounded");
if min_y.is_none() || max_y.is_none() {
unbounded = true;
eprintln!("y is unbounded");
if min_z.is_none() || max_z.is_none() {
unbounded = true;
eprintln!("z is unbounded");
if unbounded {
return Err(Error::UnboundedVar);
let mut unbounded = false;
if min_x.is_none() || max_x.is_none() {
unbounded = true;
eprintln!("x is unbounded");
if min_y.is_none() || max_y.is_none() {
unbounded = true;
eprintln!("y is unbounded");
if min_z.is_none() || max_z.is_none() {
unbounded = true;
eprintln!("z is unbounded");
if unbounded {
return Err(Error::UnboundedVar);
if debug {
println!("\n{:?}", tree);
if test {
return Ok(());
let min_x: i64 = min_x.unwrap();
let max_x: i64 = max_x.unwrap();
let min_y: i64 = min_y.unwrap();
let max_y: i64 = max_y.unwrap();
let min_z: i64 = min_z.unwrap();
let max_z: i64 = max_z.unwrap();
let width: i64 = 1 + max_x - min_x;
let height: i64 = 1 + max_y - min_y;
let pix_width: usize = 6 * (width as usize) + 1;
let pix_height: usize = 6 * (height as usize) + 1;
let pix_size: usize = pix_width * pix_height;
for z in min_z..=max_z {
let name = format! {"{}/layer{:04}.png",output_folder,1 + z - min_z};
let filled_in = RGBA8::new(0, 0, 0, 255); // Black
let empty = RGBA8::new(255, 255, 255, 255); // White
let multiple_filled_in = RGBA8::new(0, 0, 255, 255); // Blue
let multiple_empty = RGBA8::new(255, 255, 0, 255); // Yellow
let grid = RGBA8::new(255, 128, 128, 255); // Coral (Grid)
let mut pixels: Vec<RGBA8> = Vec::with_capacity(pix_size);
pixels.resize(pix_size, grid);
for y in min_y..=max_y {
let square_start_y = 6 * (y - min_y) as usize;
let grid_y = y.abs() % 10 == 0;
for x in min_x..=max_x {
let x_f: f64 = (x as f64) + if offset { 0.5_f64 } else { 0_f64 };
let y_f: f64 = (y as f64) + if offset { 0.5_f64 } else { 0_f64 };
let z_f: f64 = (z as f64) + if offset { 0.5_f64 } else { 0_f64 };
let rho: f64 = (x_f.powi(2) + y_f.powi(2)).sqrt();
let r: f64 = (z_f.powi(2) + rho.powi(2)).sqrt();
let tht: f64 = (z_f / rho).atan();
let phi: f64;
if rho < 2_f64 * f64::EPSILON {
phi = f64::NAN;
} else if y_f >= 0_f64 {
phi = (x_f / rho).acos();
} else {
phi = -((x_f / rho).acos());
let min_x: i64 = min_x.unwrap();
let max_x: i64 = max_x.unwrap();
let min_y: i64 = min_y.unwrap();
let max_y: i64 = max_y.unwrap();
let min_z: i64 = min_z.unwrap();
let max_z: i64 = max_z.unwrap();
let width: i64 = 1 + max_x - min_x;
let height: i64 = 1 + max_y - min_y;
let pix_width: usize = 6 * (width as usize) + 1;
let pix_height: usize = 6 * (height as usize) + 1;
let pix_size: usize = pix_width * pix_height;
for z in min_z..=max_z {
let name = format! {"{}/layer{:04}.png",output_folder,1 + z - min_z};
let filled_in = RGBA8::new(0, 0, 0, 255); // Black
let empty = RGBA8::new(255, 255, 255, 255); // White
let multiple_filled_in = RGBA8::new(0, 0, 255, 255); // Blue
let multiple_empty = RGBA8::new(255, 255, 0, 255); // Yellow
let grid = RGBA8::new(255, 128, 128, 255); // Coral (Grid)
let mut pixels: Vec<RGBA8> = Vec::with_capacity(pix_size);
pixels.resize(pix_size, grid);
for y in min_y..=max_y {
let square_start_y = 6 * (y - min_y) as usize;
let grid_y = y.abs() % 10 == 0;
for x in min_x..=max_x {
let x_f: f64 = (x as f64) + if offset { 0.5_f64 } else { 0_f64 };
let y_f: f64 = (y as f64) + if offset { 0.5_f64 } else { 0_f64 };
let z_f: f64 = (z as f64) + if offset { 0.5_f64 } else { 0_f64 };
let rho: f64 = (x_f.powi(2) + y_f.powi(2)).sqrt();
let phi: f64 = y_f.atan2(x_f);
let r: f64 = (z_f.powi(2) + rho.powi(2)).sqrt();
let tht: f64 = (z_f / rho).atan();
vars.insert('x', x_f);
vars.insert('y', y_f);
vars.insert('z', z_f);
vars.insert('ρ', rho);
vars.insert('φ', phi);
vars.insert('r', r);
vars.insert('θ', tht);
let var_arg = Some(&vars);
let square_start_x = 6 * (x - min_x) as usize;
let grid = if grid_y { true } else { x.abs() % 10 == 0 };
let is_filled = tree.eval(&ident_arg, &var_arg)?;
let color = match (is_filled, grid) {
(false, false) => empty,
(false, true) => multiple_empty,
(true, false) => filled_in,
(true, true) => multiple_filled_in,
for pix_x in 0..5 {
for pix_y in 0..5 {
pixels[(1 + square_start_y + pix_y) * pix_width
+ 1
+ square_start_x
+ pix_x] = color;
vars.insert('x', x_f);
vars.insert('y', y_f);
vars.insert('z', z_f);
vars.insert('ρ', rho);
vars.insert('φ', phi);
vars.insert('r', r);
vars.insert('θ', tht);
let var_arg = Some(&vars);
let square_start_x = 6 * (x - min_x) as usize;
let grid = if grid_y { true } else { x.abs() % 10 == 0 };
let is_filled = tree.eval(&ident_arg, &var_arg)?;
let color = match (is_filled, grid) {
(false, false) => empty,
(false, true) => multiple_empty,
(true, false) => filled_in,
(true, true) => multiple_filled_in,
for pix_x in 0..5 {
for pix_y in 0..5 {
pixels[(1 + square_start_y + pix_y) * pix_width
+ 1
+ square_start_x
+ pix_x] = color;
lodepng::encode32_file(name, &pixels, pix_width, pix_height)?;
lodepng::encode32_file(name, &pixels, pix_width, pix_height)?;
