You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

295 lines
11 KiB

use crate::error;
use crate::error::Error;
use logos::Logos;
use pomelo::pomelo;
use std::fs;
use std::path::Path;
pomelo! {
%include {
use logos::{Lexer, Logos};
use crate::astree::{Condition, Expression, FunctionType, Junction};
use std::collections::HashMap;
pub struct Boundary{
pub var: char,
pub min: Expression,
pub max: Expression,
impl Boundary{
pub fn new(
l: Expression,
lcond: char,
var: char,
rcond: char,
r: Expression,
) -> Result<Self,()> {
if var != 'x' && var != 'y' && var != 'z' {
return Err(());
if lcond == '<' || lcond == '≤' {
if rcond == '<' || rcond == '≤'{
let min = l;
let max = r;
return Ok(Boundary{var,min,max});
return Err(());
}else if lcond == '>' || lcond == '≥'{
if rcond == '>' || rcond == '≥'{
let min = r;
let max = l;
return Ok(Boundary{var,min,max});
return Err(());
pub type Boundaries = [Boundary; 3];
pub type Return = (Option<HashMap<String,Expression>>, Boundaries, Junction);
fn read_var(lex: &mut Lexer<Token>) -> Option<char> {
%token #[derive(Logos, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Token {};
%type #[regex("s|x|y|z|r|ρ|θ|φ", read_var)] Var char;
%type #[regex(r"@[\p{Letter}\p{Number}\p{Greek}_]+", |lex| String::from(lex.slice()))] Ident String;
%type #[token("set")]
%type #[token("e", |_| std::f64::consts::E)]
#[token("pi", |_| std::f64::consts::PI)]
#[regex("½pi", |_| std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_2)]
#[regex("⅓pi", |_| std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_3)]
#[regex("¼pi", |_| std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_4)]
#[regex("⅙pi", |_| std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_6)]
#[regex("⅛pi", |_| std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_8)]
#[regex("(pi/2)", |_| std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_2)]
#[regex("(pi/3)", |_| std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_3)]
#[regex("(pi/4)", |_| std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_4)]
#[regex("(pi/6)", |_| std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_6)]
#[regex("(pi/8)", |_| std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_8)]
#[token("2pi", |_| std::f64::consts::TAU)]
#[token("π", |_| std::f64::consts::PI)]
#[regex("½π", |_| std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_2)]
#[regex("⅓π", |_| std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_3)]
#[regex("¼π", |_| std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_4)]
#[regex("⅙π", |_| std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_6)]
#[regex("⅛π", |_| std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_8)]
#[regex("(π/2)", |_| std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_2)]
#[regex("(π/3)", |_| std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_3)]
#[regex("(π/4)", |_| std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_4)]
#[regex("(π/6)", |_| std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_6)]
#[regex("(π/8)", |_| std::f64::consts::FRAC_PI_8)]
#[token("", |_| std::f64::consts::TAU)]
#[token("tau", |_| std::f64::consts::TAU)]
#[token("τ", |_| std::f64::consts::TAU)]
#[regex("√2\\s", |_| std::f64::consts::SQRT_2)]
#[regex("√(2)", |_| std::f64::consts::SQRT_2)]
#[regex(r"(?:\d*\.)?\d+", |lex| lex.slice().parse())]
Float f64;
%type #[token("+")] Sum;
%type #[token("-")] Subtraction;
%type #[token("/")] Quotient;
%type #[token("*")] Product;
%type #[token("^")] Power;
%type #[regex("=|<|>|≤|≥", read_var)]
#[regex("<=", |_| '≤')]
#[regex(">=", |_| '≥')]
Qualifier char;
%type #[regex("⋀|⋁|⊻|⊼|⊽", read_var)]
#[regex("⋂|∧|and|AND|&&", |_| '⋀')]
#[regex("∪|∨|v|or|OR|\\|\\|", |_| '⋁')]
#[regex("⩒|⩛|⊕|⩡|xor|XOR", |_| '⊻')]
#[regex("⩃|nand|NAND", |_| '⊼')]
#[regex("⩂|nor|NOR", |_| '⊽')]
Junction char;
%type #[token("sin", |_| FunctionType::Sin)]
#[token("cos", |_| FunctionType::Cos)]
#[token("tan", |_| FunctionType::Tan)]
#[token("sec", |_| FunctionType::Sec)]
#[token("csc", |_| FunctionType::Csc)]
#[token("cot", |_| FunctionType::Cot)]
#[token("asin", |_| FunctionType::Asin)]
#[token("acos", |_| FunctionType::Acos)]
#[token("atan", |_| FunctionType::Atan)]
#[token("sign", |_| FunctionType::Sign)]
#[token("abs", |_| FunctionType::Abs)]
#[token("sqrt", |_| FunctionType::Sqrt)]
#[token("", |_| FunctionType::Sqrt)]
#[token("exp", |_| FunctionType::Exp)]
#[token("ln", |_| FunctionType::Ln)]
#[token("log", |_| FunctionType::Log)]
#[token("neg", |_| FunctionType::Neg)]
Function FunctionType;
%type #[token("(")] LParen;
%type #[token(")")] RParen;
%type #[token("{")] LBrace;
%type #[token("}")] RBrace;
%type #[regex(r"\n+")] LineEnd;
%type #[regex(r"\\\n", logos::skip)]
#[regex("#.*\\n", logos::skip)]
#[regex("//.*\\n", logos::skip)]
#[regex(r"[ \t\f]+", logos::skip)]
%left Junction;
%nonassoc Qualifier Assign;
%left Sum Subtraction;
%left Product Quotient;
%right Power;
%right Function;
%left LineEnd;
%type input Return;
input ::= boundaries(L) metajuncture(J) { (None,L,J) }
input ::= LineEnd boundaries(L) metajuncture(J) { (None,L,J) }
input ::= assignments(A) boundaries(L) metajuncture(J) { (Some(A),L,J) }
input ::= LineEnd assignments(A) boundaries(L) metajuncture(J) { (Some(A),L,J) }
%type boundary Boundary;
boundary ::= expr(L) Qualifier(F) Var(V) Qualifier(S) expr(R) { Boundary::new(L,F,V,S,R)? }
%type boundaries Boundaries;
boundaries ::= boundary(A) LineEnd boundary(B) LineEnd boundary(C) LineEnd { [A,B,C] }
%type assignment (String,Expression);
assignment ::= Assign Ident(S) expr(E) { (S,E) }
%type assignments HashMap<String,Expression>;
assignments ::= assignment(A) LineEnd {
let (k,v) = A;
let mut m = HashMap::new();
let ident_arg = Some(&m);
if v.ident_dependencies(&ident_arg).is_ok() {
eprintln!("Undefined reference in {}",k);
assignments ::= assignments(mut M) assignment(A) LineEnd {
let (k,v) = A;
let ident_arg = Some(&M);
if v.ident_dependencies(&ident_arg).is_ok() {
eprintln!("Undefined reference in {}",k);
%type quality Condition;
quality ::= expr(L) Qualifier(Q) expr (R) { Condition::new(Q,L,R) }
%type juncture Junction;
juncture ::= quality(Q) { Junction::singleton(Q) }
juncture ::= juncture(L) Junction(J) juncture(R) { Junction::meta(J,L,R) }
juncture ::= LBrace juncture(J) RBrace { J }
%type metajuncture Junction;
metajuncture ::= juncture(J) { J }
metajuncture ::= metajuncture(M) LineEnd { M }
metajuncture ::= metajuncture(L) LineEnd metajuncture(R) { Junction::meta('⋀',L,R) }
%type expr Expression;
expr ::= expr(L) Sum expr(R) { Expression::operation('+',L,R) }
expr ::= expr(L) Subtraction expr(R) { Expression::operation('-',L,R) }
expr ::= expr(L) Product expr(R) { Expression::operation('*',L,R) }
expr ::= expr(L) Quotient expr(R) { Expression::operation('/',L,R) }
expr ::= expr(L) Power expr(R) { Expression::operation('^',L,R) }
expr ::= Function(F) expr(A) { Expression::function(F,A) }
expr ::= LParen expr(E) RParen { E }
expr ::= Subtraction expr(E) { Expression::function(FunctionType::Neg,E) }
expr ::= Var(V) { Expression::var(V) }
expr ::= Float(F) { Expression::float(F) }
expr ::= Ident(S) { Expression::ident(S) }
pub fn parse<P: AsRef<Path> + std::fmt::Display>(
source: &str,
file: P,
output_dir: Option<P>,
debug: bool,
) -> Result<parser::Return, error::Error> {
let lex = parser::Token::lexer(source);
let mut p = parser::Parser::new();
let mut line_ends = false;
let mut reason = "parsing";
for (token, span) in lex.spanned() {
if debug {
println!("{:?}", token);
if token == parser::Token::Error {
reason = "tokenizing";
} else if token == parser::Token::LineEnd {
if line_ends {
} else {
line_ends = true;
} else {
line_ends = false;
if p.parse(token).is_err() {
let mut line = 1;
let mut col = 1;
for (index, _) in source.match_indices('\n') {
if index > span.start {
line += 1;
col = span.start - index;
let token_val = if line_ends {
} else {
"{}:{}:{}: Error {} \"{}\"",
file, line, col, reason, token_val
if let Some(the_dir) = output_dir {
return Err(Error::ParserError);
match p.end_of_input() {
Ok(result) => Ok(result),
Err(_) => {
eprintln!("{}: Unexpected end of file", file);
if let Some(the_dir) = output_dir{