#!/usr/bin/env bash # Detect ImageMagick - newer versions use the command "magick" instead of "convert" IMAGEMAGICK="$(which magick 2>/dev/null)" if [[ -z "$IMAGEMAGICK" ]]; then IMAGEMAGICK="$(which convert 2>/dev/null)" fi # ImageMagick is not needed for primary font generation if ! "$IMAGEMAGICK" wizard: /dev/null 2>/dev/null; then echo "No ImageMagick available; skipping demo image generation" IMAGEMAGICK="" fi # Detect Python; prefer python 3.x PYTHON="$(which python3 2>/dev/null)" if [[ -z "$PYTHON" ]]; then PYTHON="$(which python 2>/dev/null)" fi if [[ -z "$PYTHON" ]]; then echo "No Python installed. Aborting." >&2 exit -1 fi PSFNORMALIZE="$(which psfnormalize 2>/dev/null)" # If psfnormalize isn't present, try to install it, and the other req's if [[ -z "$PSFNORMALIZE" ]]; then rm -rf ~/work/mawkin-sans/mawkin-sans/src/pysilfont > /dev/null 2>&1 "$PYTHON" -m pip install -r requirements.txt fi set -e psfnormalize mawkin_sans.ufo "$PYTHON" -m fontmake --validate-ufo --autohint --ufo-paths mawkin_sans.ufo --output otf --output-path mawkin_sans.otf if [[ -n "$IMAGEMAGICK" ]]; then echo "Generating title.png" "$IMAGEMAGICK" -background white -fill black \ -font './mawkin_sans.otf' -pointsize 200 label:"Mawkin\n. .Sans" \ title.png echo "Generating demo.png" "$IMAGEMAGICK" -background white -fill black \ -font './mawkin_sans.otf' -pointsize 60 label:"the last metroid\n. .is in captivity\nthe galaxy\n. .is at peace\n\n\nMawkin\n. .Sans" \ demo.png fi echo "Generating mawkin_sans.woff2" # Convert OTF to WOFF2 for webfont "$PYTHON" <